In my spare time I enjoy playing guitar on Highway 191 near Monument Valley









I began building willow fence panels 12 years ago after seeing a freeform willow fence in a nearby town. I liked the idea but envisioned a more geometric pattern with a strong foundation. I also wanted them to be moveable.

The solution I found was to use galvanized steel panel, weaving the patterns of willow within the grid. Over time I perfected the process and was able to produce garden panels in a variety of patterns, textures and colors.

At this time I use three types of plants to build the panels and furniture. They are Coyote willow, young tamarisk shoots and cottonwood saplings. I recently discovered an area where after a large flood, thousands of cottonwood saplings took root along sandbars. For the past year I have been harvesting and incorporation them into my panels and furniture. The contrast in color and texture creates interesting natural patterns.

Contact me for pricing and shipping information.